He is Risen
Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!
Luke 12: 5b-6a
On Easter Sunday millions of Christians gathered in worship spaces to celebrate the resurrection of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. Easter gives us the opportunity to remember with deep gratitude what our Savior did for us on that cross. It is a time for renewal and rebirth.
Just two days earlier, the women had witnessed the worst possible event. They had witnessed the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Later his body was laid in the tomb and the mouth of the tomb was sealed with a stone. Those who had hoped that this king would save them, saw all their hopes dashed as evening fell.
Early that morning the women rose with deep grief in their hearts as they prepared to go to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body with the spices they had prepared. When the women got to the tomb, they discovered the stone had been rolled away. The tomb was empty. The strips of linen were lying there but Jesus was not there. He had triumphed over sin and death, just as he said he would.
We can rejoice and celebrate not just one day a year, but throughout the year. Our Savior is risen, and all hope is restored. Our king saves all who believe in him (John 3:16). Like the women, we no longer need to look for Jesus in ‘dead spaces.’ He is risen and is alive in our hearts. Hallelujah!
We can sing songs of praise and victory. The empty tomb is evidence of Jesus’ bodily resurrection, reminding us of our own resurrection when he comes in his glory (1 Thessalonians 4: 14-18). Death has no dominion over those who believe. Praise Jesus!
We can rest assured that sin has no power over us, and Satan is defeated. Jesus died, once for all as the perfect sacrifice, atoning for all our sins, past present and future. All our debt is paid for through his shed blood which never loses its power (1 John 1:8-10).
We can rejoice and sing psalms because we serve a risen Savior. Our faith is not in vain. We serve a God who walks with us and talks with us and who answers before we call (Isaiah 65:24; Psalm 116:2; Romans 8:26-27).
When the women saw the empty tomb, they went back and told the Eleven and the others what they had seen (Vs. 9). Easter is a time to say “No” to dead religion and a time to say, “Yes” to a living Savior. As we recognize the urgency of our time, it’s time to go and tell the others that Jesus lives to save. It’s time to tell family members, friends, and other acquaintances what you know. Salvation cannot be found in the empty tombs of our modern lives. Salvation is found only in Jesus.
Have a blessed week!