Esther's Hope Ministries

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Say "Yes!"

Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life.  he who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.

 John 11:25 

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week.  Christians around the world celebrate this special day in remembrance of God’s great plan for humanity.  This was a plan greater than any human being could ever imagine or conceive.  Where man was looking for an earthly king who could help them fight their everyday battles, and perhaps help liberate them from Roman oppression, God Almighty devised the ultimate plan of sending his Son to fight the ultimate battle over death.

God made sure that there would be one final but perfect sacrifice for sin.  Through the shedding of Jesus’ blood, our sins are forgiven; and through his death and resurrection, we will live forever even though we die.  This is the great reminder of this week but watch out!  The enemy knows this, and he will try to distract our attention from the true meaning of this week any way he can.  He knows where we are vulnerable.  Do not let him in and do not let him win.

This week choose to focus on what Jesus Christ has done for you.  Thank him for the sacrifice of his life so that you might have eternal life.  Celebrate the power of his resurrection and the new and abundant life he has given you by his divine grace.  Thank him for the gift of the Holy Spirit who now walks with you daily, leading you into God’s truth.  Yes, dear friend, Jesus is the resurrection and the life; anyone who believes in him, will live even though he dies.

Do you believe?  If not, do not let this day pass you by.  Love is calling your name and there is no better time than today, to say, “Yes, LORD!  I am a sinner.  Come into my life today and wash me clean.  Be my Savior and let me be your child forever.

Almighty and ever-loving Father, thank you for saving me.  Thank you for adopting me into the family of God.  I yield my life to you completely.  I am yours, may your perfect will be done in my life and may your name be glorified.  AMEN.