Esther's Hope Ministries

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…but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

In times like these it is easy to doubt whether God loves humanity.  It is easy to doubt whether God loves you.  The logical mind is tempted to wonder how a loving God can stand by and do nothing when there is so much difficulty, so much heartache and so much confusion going on in the lives of people he created in his own image.  Where is he when it hurts, why is he so quiet when calamity looms, why can’t he do something?  These are the murmurings of the flesh because the flesh automatically rejects pain and discomfort.

No matter how difficult life might be -you are loved.  Even though you may feel defeated and discouraged-you are loved with an everlasting love.  The challenges you face today may go from bad to worse despite your passionate prayers and pleadings-and still, you are loved.  Paul reminds the Romans (5:8) and us today, that “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Only true love would do that.  And if Jesus could love humanity at its worst; if he could love us while we were enemies of the Cross, then he still loves us today.

God loves us in these days of great difficulty; he loves us in our daily struggles.  Even when we cannot see him or feel him-he still loves us.  Take time today to thank him for adopting you as his child. Celebrate the great inheritance you have in him.  And no matter what may come your way, know that your heavenly Father, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is working everything out for your good.  Why?  Because he promised to do so (Romans 8:31-39) and because you are unconditionally, perfectly and eternally loved by Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me at my worst and thank you for loving me today, in the midst of doubt and struggle and hardship.  Help me to cling to your unfailing word and to stand upon your unwavering promise to love me eternally.  Amen.