Esther's Hope Ministries

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Don't Be Afraid

Don’t be afraid, just believe.

Mark 5:36

One dark evening, a four-year-old boy was spending time with his father in the family workshop when suddenly the power went out. Everything became pitch black.   In a scared voice, the little boy called out, “Daddy are you there?”  The father replied, “I am right here son,” slowly making his way towards the place where his son stood quivering with fear, “Don’t be afraid, I am right here,” he reassured his son.  

When Jairus’ life goes dark (Mark 5:21-24; 34-43), Jesus reassures him with similar words, “Don’t be afraid, just believe (Mark 5:36).”  In other words, even though it is dark and you cannot see; even though the outcome is uncertain and frightening, have faith in God.  Someone once asked Billy Graham, “What is faith?”  He responded, “First, you must believe that God exists and that he loves you so much that he sent his Son, Jesus, to save you. Second, you must trust wholly in Christ’s salvation, put your life in his hands, and believe Jesus not only can save you, but will save you. 

We humans sometimes pretend we can see it all, but life has a way of setting us straight every now and then.  Sometimes our lives take a murky turn and things go dark.  In times like these we often feel afraid. Afraid that we will not make it; afraid that things will end badly; afraid, because we realize we cannot control the outcome of an event.  It is then that we need to remember who God is. That little boy could not see, but he trusted his father’s word and ability to keep him safe. Jairus was afraid his daughter would die, but he trusted Jesus’ word (vs.36) and knew that Jesus’ hands would heal his daughter.  We must continuously trust our heavenly Father even when situations around us seem impossible.  We must learn to trust him in the dark.  What is it that you cannot see? Whose word do you trust? 

Trust God, wholly and completely. His word is yea and amen.  He is present in the fragility of every human life, yours, mine, and everyone else's. He is present in the dark secrets and struggles you carry. He is present in the exhaustion and weariness you feel from time to time, and his message to you is still the same, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.”  That’s faith! 

Loving Father, I confess that sometimes I am afraid of what the future holds. Teach me to trust in your enduring love and in your holy word. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN!