Esther's Hope Ministries

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A Righteous Man

Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man, he did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

Matthew 1:19

Today is Father’s Day.  We pause to honor the men who raised us, and we celebrate the ones to whom we owe endless gratitude.  As I reflect on this Father’s Day, I am reminded of Joseph the carpenter.  What a father!

Joseph protected Mary’s reputation when she revealed that she was with child.  He did not embarrass her but planned to divorce her quietly (vs. 19).  He covered her “sin”.  Thank you, LORD for men who protect their wives and children daily.  Thank you for Father’s who “cover” their families.  Bless them abundantly for their resolve and commitment to their families.

Joseph walked with God.  He has an intimate relationship with God.  He listened to the angel and obeyed the angel’s counsel about Mary (vs 20-21; 24).  Thank you, LORD for Father’s who walk with you, listen to you, and lean on you for counsel on how to shepherd their families.  Strengthen them and cause their homes to flourish for your glory and your honor.

Joseph practiced self-control.  He took Mary home, but he did not consummate the marriage until she gave birth to a son (vs. 25).  Thank you, LORD, for men who honor their wives.  Bless those Father’s who do not stray from the marriage bed or indulge in pornography but love their wives as you love the church.  Show up in their marriage relationships and bring them abundant joy, passion and peace.

Happy Father’s Day!

Father, on this Father’s Day, we pray for all fathers across our world who are faced with the sacred task of steering their families in your ways.  Give them wisdom, discernment, and love, and reward them for their faithfulness to you.  AMEN!