Esther's Hope Ministries

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Your Starting Point Matters

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

Have you ever had the blues?  Yes, at one point or another we have all experienced them.  These are days when crushing fatigue, dreariness or mental fog leaves us wondering if we are ever going to make it, not just through one day but through the week.  Sometimes this feeling can become the theme of our lives.

In an age of relativity, meaning is often determined by personal context, how I feel.”  When Paul applies the words of Philippians 4:13, however, his starting point is not personal feelings, his starting point is God’s word (2 Cor. 12: 8-10); he has confidence in the Lordship of Jesus Christ over his life.  Paul testifies that no matter how he “feels,” he can trust in Christ’s strength in every life situation.

How are you feeling today, about your life, marriage, parenting, work, finances, the future and so on?  Think about it for a moment.  What is your starting point, personal feelings or God’s word?  Despite their blahs, the likes of Abraham, Moses, David, Sarah both endured and achieved great and miraculous things through God’s word.  Similarly, despite our blahs, we can endure and achieve great and miraculous things through Christ who gives us daily strength.

Yes, whatever you are facing, you will make it, not just through the day, but through life.  Put your trust in Jesus.  May his grace be sufficient for you this week, and may his word and Presence fill your heart with abundant peace.

Dear Lord, I am so thankful that you are my strength.  I invite your Spirit to lead me through each day.  To strengthen me when I am weak, to encourage me when I am feeling low and to give me clarity when the fog obscures my way.  Amen.