Esther's Hope Ministries

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Remember Your Destiny

In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 1:5

Recently, I listened to young woman describing her life as she was moved from one foster home to another.  She stated, “I always felt adrift, like I did not belong.”  This is such a cruel reality, one that would have been ours, were it not for God.  Like this young woman, it is easy to feel adrift in this world, it is not our home, but the love of Jesus anchors us and holds us close.  You see, way before you and I said, “Yes LORD!”  God loved us, and he predestined us for adoption as sons changing our destiny forever.  Merriam-Webster describes destiny as a pre-determined future.

By adopting us as sons, God made our salvation secure.  We did nothing to gain it and we can do nothing to lose it.  As Paul tells the Romans 8: 31-39, nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.  It is a gift freely given.  So, let us rejoice and praise our God, for such a great sacrifice.  That he would give his one and only Son, that we might be reconciled to him not just in this life, but for all eternity. 

As we move towards Easter, let us reflect on what manner of love this is.  How can a holy God become a man?  How can a loving creator come down not to be served but to serve creation (Matthew 20:28)?  How can God send Jesus to pay a debt he did not incur?  What kind of love would cause God to give the life of his beloved Son so we might be saved?  What manner of love is this?

Father, our hearts are filled with gratitude as we remember what Jesus has done for us.  Thank you for assuring our destiny and never giving up on us.  Help us to walk worthy of this calling.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.