Full and Overflowing
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Psalm 23:5
We are all familiar with people whose cups are always half empty. No matter what the circumstance, they whine, they gripe, and they moan; nothing seems to satisfy them. Despite the real difficulties that the Psalmist has encountered in his life (See Psalms of Lament (e.g. Ps. 13, 25, 31), his cup is full in Psalm 23:5. He testifies that God has filled his table in the presence of his enemies and his cup of blessing and anointing overflows.
It is not easy to give thanks in every circumstance. But when we choose to thank God amid difficulty, it defeats the forces of darkness in the spiritual realm. When we thank God for every gift, he has given us even when things are hard, the enemy loses the battle against us. He is stopped in his tracks when we come to God with a thankful heart.
As we approach this season of Thanksgiving, let us give thanks daily with grateful hearts for all that the LORD has done for us; surely our tables are overflowing. Let us give thanks for a God who spared nothing; even giving the life of his only Son, Jesus Christ, so that we might be reconciled to God. May his cup of blessing and anointing overflow in you, and through you, as you serve his people.
Father, thank you for the abundant blessings you have poured out on me. Indeed, your mercies are new every morning. Teach me to share generously with others that which you have freely given to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.