Esther's Hope Ministries

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Higher than the Earth

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.... As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts 

Isaiah 55: 8-9 

Why? When? How?  These are the questions that often cause us to wrestle with our faith.... If you have ever been confounded by God’s workings in human life, you are in good company.  Many believers struggle to trust a God who ‘lets’ young people die, a God who ‘lets’ tragedies strike the righteous, when the wicked prosper, a God who can even seem cruel at times.  God’s infinite thoughts are far greater than our limited ability to comprehend them.  Even the psalmist exclaims, “How precious to me are your thoughts, God!  How vast is the sum of them! (Psalm 139:17).” 

God’s thoughts and his ways may not always make sense to us, but we can rest in the knowledge that he is ALWAYS good, and therefore everything he does is good (Psalm 13:6; Psalm 100:5). Today your life may be spiraling out of control, trust him. Your marriage may be in the ditch, trust him. Your children may be acting up, making wrong choices, or running with the wrong crowd, trust him. When you reach the end of your rope, and there is no where else to turn, you will find God waiting for you, faithful and true to carry you through. He alone is the answer to your why, when and how.

As you begin this new week, trust in his goodness no matter what you see, feel, or hear.

Loving and gracious LORD, teach me to trust you through every season of life. Help me to believe your word and trust in your grace. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.