Esther's Hope Ministries

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Be Curious about Jesus!

The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this?  Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

Matthew 8:27

When did you last experience curiosity at who Jesus is?  You see, many of us assume we know him and theologically that might be true.  We have read books about him and listened to preachers teach about him?  We know a lot about him but when did we last ask, “What kind of man is this?”  When was the last time we felt desperate enough that only Jesus could save us?

Life today offers us the opportunity to get desperate before the LORD.  In their desperation, the disciples cried out to the right person because it was not really about the storm, it was all about their relationship with Jesus.  He was their safety and their refuge, not the anchors on the boat and not the harbor, just Jesus.  Their desperation gave them another glimpse into the power of Jesus. 

If we want to see a fresh demonstration of God’s power intervening in our world and lives today, we need to get desperate before the throne (Exodus 14:21-22; 1 Samuel 1:10; Luke 22:42).  We must get into that place where ONLY Jesus can save us, not the politicians, not the doctors, and not our theology, just Jesus.  Desperation precedes amazement!  Amazement leads to curiosity, “What kind of man is this?” Curiosity often leads to divine revelation and divine revelation to a deeper relationship with Jesus and that is the goal, isn’t it?

As we enter this new week, may God guide us into a closer and more intimate walk with him even as we serve him.

Father, teach us to walk through life with the curiosity of a young child who wonders what their father will do next. Teach us to anticipate your Presence and intervention in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.