Esther's Hope Ministries

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No One Can Thwart Him

For the Lord Yahweh, the Commander of Angel Armies, has an amazing strategy; and who can thwart him?  When he moves in power, who can stop him?

(Isaiah 14:27 TPT)

Have you ever been on a winning team?  It is an exciting and thrilling thing to cheer your team on to victory isn’t it?  It is all about the moment, the unity, the energy, and the joy of taking that coveted trophy home.

Perhaps now, more than any other time in our lives, we are being forced to pick a side, but which side will it be?  Human teams are often tribal.  Besides, it is hard for fallen humanity to know which side is best, because we can be easily deceived. It happened to Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:13), it happened to Esau (Genesis 27:27) and it happened in Isaiah 14 where the Israelites, (the very people of God), picked a side that was so corrupt, so that God purposed to remove them from his sight.  Have you picked a side yet?

The winning side can only be that which is led by God himself.  He is the Commander of Angel Armies who still has an amazing strategy to defeat the pretense, the confusion and the chaos of our modern existence, and when he moves, the Bible says, “no one can stop him (Is. 14:27b)”.  God put this strategy in motion more than 2000 years ago and it is still unfolding right before our eyes.  Therefore, no matter what you see or hear, be still in prayer and in hope, God Almighty is firmly in control.

As we begin a new week, let us ask God who gives heavenly wisdom to those who ask, to help us discern his side, and may our choice permeate our character, our work, and our workplaces and our homes with the unity, the energy and the joy of those who know that they are on the winning team, God’s team!

Dear Jesus, we love you. Fill us with heavenly wisdom in these confusing times, so that we might not pick the right or the left, but instead focus on you, the author and finisher of our faith. We confess we don’t know what the right thing to do in this situation might be. So speak to our hearts Holy Spirit, and then confirm it with your peace. Amen!