He is Here!
As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.
Luke 24: 15-16
The journey to Emmaus was both a physical and spiritual journey. Prior to this journey, so much had happened concerning Jesus, that it is no surprise that the two apostles were talking about these events. In fact, this is exactly what humans do when unusual things happen. We talk, and then talk some more. Right now, the whole world is talking about the Corona Virus; what exactly is it, where did it come from, and when will a cure be found…. Unfortunately, in the midst of talking the apostles failed to recognize, that Jesus had come up and was walking alongside them.
Friends, is it possible that Jesus is in the midst of everything that is happening right now? Is it possible that he is in the midst of all this confusion reminding us that he is the God of all wisdom and order? Could it be that he is in the midst of our fear and anxiety reminding us that he is the Giver of peace? Perhaps as we wrestle with the scarcity of resources his voice is reminding us that he is our Provider. Could it be that in the midst of so many deaths, God is reminding us that he is the Giver of Life? And is it possible that in the midst of all the recoveries, God is reminding us that he is the Great Physician? How about the social distancing? Perhaps in the midst of our loneliness he is reminding us that he is the friend who sticks closer than a brother. And is it possible that like the apostles, we have failed to recognize him because events have not happened as we expected?
As we go through this week, let us remember that the same Jesus who sought the apostles in the midst of their busy lives, continues to seek us out today in the midst of our busy and noisy lives (vs 15-16). Let us remember that Jesus who opened the apostle’s eyes, wants to open our eyes today through his word, so we may see and understand the times we live in (vs 25-27). And finally, let us remember, that Jesus wants to reveal himself to us again, through the kindness of strangers, the compassion of nurses, doctors and other essential workers, and through the intimate fellowship that we continue to share with him and with one another as we pray. May the Lord bless you all richly, as you dwell in Him.
Father in Heaven, thank you for never leaving me nor forsaking me. Thank you for your commitment to your children. Forgive me for paying attention to the distractions that surround me and failing to hear your voice. Now captivate my heart with your Holy Word, so that I might not stray from you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.