Esther's Hope Ministries

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Do Not Be Troubled

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”

John 14:1

By now, we’ve all got the corona drill down pat: Wash your hands; Don’t touch your face; Stay at home; If you must go out, keep a safe distance from others; Cough away from people or into your elbow; If you have symptoms, wear a mask, quarantine yourself, then call your doctor. But how many of us are listening to what God is saying? As he shakes the foundations of our proud cities; as he brings our global economy to its knees and as he reminds earth’s inhabitants that he is still the One, and will always be the One who rules the universe, what is he saying to the church and what might he be saying to you in this hour of crisis? I believe God is reminding believers to trust him.

In John 14:1, the disciples were desperate and wondering how they would cope on their own, without the comforting Presence of their master, Jesus says to them: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” God Almighty is working through this chaos to grow, strengthen and prepare his church for his return (1 Peter 4: 12-13). In the middle of all the earthly noise surrounding this virus outbreak, do you hear his still small voice?

Right now, millions of eyes and ears are turned towards experts. We’re all wondering, what will they say and what will they do next. Many borders are closed, and flights are becoming scarce, it might even feel like we are all alone in this battle for survival. Fear and anxiety are real. The economy is taking a hit. The stock market is tanking, and many people are losing their jobs. There’s no way to sugar coat the reality we all face today. But here is the Good News, God has not abdicated his throne and now is the time to demonstrate our complete trust in him. In this hour of darkness, it is time to let the light of our faith shine. As Michael W. Smith reminds us in the song, Waymaker: “Even when I can’t see it, you’re working, even when I don’t feel it, you’re working, you never stop, you never stop, working.” We may not see evidence of his Presence in the forest of panic and confusion that surrounds us now, but God is working behind the scenes to accomplish his perfect will for those who trust in him.

Finally, trust in Jesus. In this environment, it is easy to get caught up in the thick fog of anxiety that has descended upon the earth, but now is the time to remember that God promises his protection to those who dwell in his shelter (Psalm 91:1). God reminds you that he is your shelter and fortress, the one who will save you from the fowler’s snare and from deadly pestilences (diseases -Psalm 91:3). This assurance of protection is comforting, but what’s the point of saving one’s life by escaping or surviving the threats we face today if you lose your soul? If you’re confused and want to make sense of everything that is happening today, I want you to know that Jesus is the answer. When you find him, everything around you will make sense. In him, you will find the peace that eludes you now.

Do you know Jesus? Have you given your life over to him? In 2 Corinthians: 6:2b Paul writes: “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” Don’t wait or it may be too late. If you are ready to receive Jesus, pray with me:

Heavenly Father: I come to you humbly asking for the forgiveness of my sins. I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that Jesus is your Son and he is LORD. I believe he died at Calvary, that I might be forgiven of my sins, and have eternal life in heaven. I believe he rose again from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus, I ask you right now to come into my life and be my LORD and Savior. I repent of all my sins and choose to follow you all the days of my life. Because your word is truth, I confess that today, I am born again, and sanctified by the blood of Jesus. I receive your mercy with gratitude. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

NOTE: If you said this prayer for the first time, or if you are rededicating your life to Jesus, find a God honoring and Bible believing pastor (church) of your choice and tell them of the decision you made today. May the Lord richly bless you and keep you until his appearing.