Esther's Hope Ministries

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An Offering Worth Giving

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24

Recently, I heard someone tell a story which is said to have originated in Japan; it is the story of the hummingbird:

One day, there was a huge forest fire, and all the creatures of the forest: ants, bears, birds, caterpillars, deer, elephants, insects, lions, raccoons, snakes, spiders, squirrels, turtles…and all kinds of creatures of the air and of the ground ran out to the edge of the forest and stared back in horror at the raging flames. 

What are we going to do?” the bear asked, but there was no response.  All the animals just stood staring at the red, hot, menacing tongues of fire, mute with shock!

The hummingbird looked around and saw that no one was doing anything about the situation at hand, and he thought to himself, ‘I cannot just stand here and stare, I am going to do something about it.

The hummingbird decided to fly to the nearest stream.  He sipped a drop of water and held the precious drop in his beak, and then he flew back to the raging forest fire, and carefully let the water drop on the flames.  Back and forth the hummingbird went; over and over again, faster and faster he flew, each time bringing just a drop of water to the raging fire, as the other animals stared at him in consternation.  Some of the animals began to discourage him saying things like, “You’ll wear yourself out, what you are doing is too little, it won’t make a difference, just let the forest burn we’ll find another home…” and  on and on the comments went, but the hummingbird would not be deterred.

The bear decided to confront the hummingbird directly, “What do you think you are doing?  Your beak is too little!”

The hummingbird paused only for a moment from his labors and responded, “I’m doing the best I can.”

Dear friend, sometimes you might be overwhelmed by the needs you see around you.  Your efforts may seem so little.  Paul reminds the Colossians, that whatever they do, yes, even the “little” you do, should be done as an offering to God, with one’s whole heart.  It is not about performance, but service to the Lord Jesus Christ, who has already granted you a reward, which is eternal life with Him.  May His Presence in your life today be your reward, as you go about doing His work in the vineyard.  Just do the best you can, it is an offering worth giving.


Dear Father, thank you for all of you have done for me.  Thank you especially for the privilege of serving you the best way I can.  Please receive my labor of love, as a holy offering to you.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!