Esther's Hope Ministries

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Blessed Are You!

In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the child you will bear!”

Luke 1:42

Of all the roles a woman might have on this earth, there is no greater role than that of a mother.  Elizabeth recognized this when she gave a glad cry and exclaimed to Mary, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!”  Indeed, Mary was not just any ordinary mother, she was the mother of the Savior of the world.  That is the highest role any mother could ever have.  In calling Mary to motherhood rather than to any other role, God shows us the blessing of motherhood and reminds us that it is intricately tied to the blessing of the children we bear.  Humans did not design this role, God did, when he presented Eve to be a helpmeet for Adam (Genesis 3:20).

As you celebrate Mother’s Day, embrace this God-given role.  It is your highest calling and purpose, and it is only in stewarding your God-ordained purpose that your full blessing will materialize through your children.  Mary responded to her summons from God with obedience, "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled (Luke 1:38).”   She accepted this huge responsibility, notwithstanding the price she would have to pay:  She was an unmarried woman in a society that valued purity before marriage.   By saying “yes,” she was subjecting herself to ridicule and rejection; she was also in danger of being abandoned by Joseph, her betrothed.  But because she trusted God, he blessed her, and he blessed the fruit of her womb through her child, Jesus, who now blesses the world.

Motherhood will bless you, but it will also stretch you.  It is a wonderful honor to be the vessel that carries and delivers little miracles of life to this earth.  It is such a joy, to nurture and teach the little ones in “the way they should go”.  And yet, sometimes motherhood is demanding and thankless, and requires patience.  Let this Mother’s Day remind you of the One who authored motherhood; let it remind you that he crafted this role in such a way, that you would always need his wisdom and guidance; let it remind you, that just as he protected and provided for Mary, he will protect and provide for you. 

This, Almighty and Ever-Loving God who called Mary to this important role and blessed her through it, desires to do the same for you.  I pray you will get a glimpse of his blessing through the eyes of your children and your family.  May your children rise up and call you blessed, and may your husband also, praise you (Proverbs 31:28).  Have a truly Blessed Mother’s Day!

Dear Father, thank you for your ever-caring, ever-supportive presence and guidance in my role as mother.  I look to you Lord, in the good times and in the rough times.  All I ask of you today:  Bless my children and my family.  Let each member come into a closer walk with you.  And as you bless us, teach us how to be a blessing to the world around us.  Be glorified in our lives.  Amen.