Stubborn Belief
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord’s word to her will be fulfilled.
(Luke 1: 45)
Have you ever received a word from God that was so incredible, so “unreasonable,” and so unbelievable that you wondered if it would ever come to pass? In the 21st century, many of us only believe what we can see, and what we can prove. Anyone who claims otherwise is seen as disconnected from reality, a wishful thinker and at worst, a little insane and light in the head.
Yet it appears that things were no different in Mary and Elizabeth’s time. The Angel Gabriel appears separately to the two women, promising that each would give birth to a child. The incredible thing is that, the Lord promised Zechariah and Elizabeth that they would have a child despite their advanced ages. Who can blame Zechariah for not believing (Luke 1:18). Science was against him, and his wife, Elizabeth’s fertility clock had run out.
Mary would have a child too, despite the fact that she was unmarried and a virgin. While this might not seem like a big deal today, it was back then. Her response is different from Zechariah’s, “I am the Lord’s servant,” she says. “May your word to me be fulfilled (Luke 1:38).” The two women were righteous individuals, observing the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly (Luke 1:7). Both receive similar promises, that they would each be with child, both give birth to the baby God promised them, but only one is remembered as “blessed” because she believed a promise that was so incredible, so “unreasonable”, and so unbelievable; because she believed that no word from God will ever fail (Luke 1:37).
Beloved, what do you believe? Has the Lord given you a promise? If so, then exercise stubborn belief. Are you pregnant with the assurance that God has spoken to your situation, then wait a little bit longer. Look to God’s character rather than to your circumstances. Shut out the thoughts and voices that tell you otherwise. Stubbornly cling to the belief that he will never fail. Give the promise time to mature and believe that in the fullness of his time, it will bring forth what he has promised.
Do you want to be blessed? Do you desire to be called “blessed?” Then, it is not enough to simply obey the Lord’s commands and follow his decrees, you must believe that no word from God will ever fail (Hebrews 11:6). You must believe that the word that he has spoken to you, that is so incredible, “unreasonable” and unbelievable is already fulfilled because it comes from his mouth. And when you exercise this brand of stubborn belief, the world will surely have cause to call you “blessed” even as Mary was “blessed.”
Almighty God, I believe, despite my unbelief, that you, O God, have spoken the word, and it is yea and Amen! You are not a man that you should lie. Today, I cling only to your word and your truth. I am your servant, may your word to me be fulfilled. Amen.