Esther's Hope Ministries

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Whatever it Takes!

When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.

Luke 5:19

Four men were carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus.  The four men noticed the paralyzed man’s need, and they knew that out of all the people present, only Jesus would do.  They were committed to doing whatever was necessary to get him the healing he needed. 

Friends, do you know of anyone who lives in a constant state of paralysis?  Do you know of anyone who is paralyzed by addictions, by anger, by greed, selfishness, by fear, by sexual immorality, by helplessness, by self-righteousness, by political correctness, or by any of the hundreds of things that run contrary to a life of faith in Jesus Christ?   Have you done anything about it? 

Notice also that the man was outside the house; not inside where Jesus was.  He was close to; in proximity to; but not in the presence of the Great Physician.  In verse 19, Luke says, “they could not find a way to do this (bring him to Jesus) because of the crowd.”  What kept him outside?  The crowd.  How many people do you know who call themselves Christians but seem to dwell “outside the house?”  How many of them stay outside “the house” because of “the crowd?”  Because they are afraid of what people will think and say about them? Because they are afraid to run contrary to popular opinion on an issue?  Because they want to fit in and not cause waves?  Because they are afraid to lose friends, privileges or any of the many temporal benefits the world has to offer?  At any point any of us could be just as guilty and equally paralyzed.

The four friends did not just stand by; they got together to do something about the paralyzed man’s situation.  When they could not find their way into the house because of the crowd, they went up onto the roof of the house, and lowered the man down to Jesus.  They took all measures necessary, (including removing shingles from the host’s roof), to get the paralyzed man into the presence of the Lord.  In turn, Jesus honored their faith.  He not only healed the man, but he also forgave his sins, freeing him from all that had held him back and sending him home.

Beloved, this is what Jesus wants us all to do.  He stands ready to heal and he wants us to do whatever it takes, to bring people "into the house” where his presence dwells.  Jude 1:22-23 says, “Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.”

Jesus, himself, showed you what he was willing to do to get you into the house.  John 3:16 reminds you, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  Jesus offered up his very life so that you might be set free from bondage to sin and death.

Today, the Holy Spirit says to you, what are you willing to do to get those living in paralysis into the house of God?  What are you willing to do to ensure that others receive the heavenly healing that sets people free and puts them on a path towards home with the Savior? 

Eternal Father, thank you for your healing power which is availed for all who call out for your mercy.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit and lead me to those who are paralyzed by the darkness and deception of this world.  Give me a heart that is relentless in bringing them to you.  Even today, transform me into someone who is willing to do “whatever it takes,” then lead me to someone who needs your healing and help me point them to you.  May your Kingdom come.  Amen!