Esther's Hope Ministries

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Just Go!

Now the Lord said to Abraham, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.  And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing."

Genesis 1:1-2

There are times when you just have to go!  There are occasions when you know beyond a shadow of doubt that the time is right and the time is now.  The world will not get it, your loved ones will not get it, but if you know God is speaking to you, step out in faith; just go!

When a comfortable retirement seemed a more sensible thing to do, God instructed Abraham to leave what was familiar, comfortable, and routine and go to a new place, a new culture, and a new people.  God instructed Abraham to sacrifice everything he had acquired in life for a greater blessing from God.  Obeying God’s command meant that Abraham would become a source of blessing to others.  Abraham, was obedient.  He got up and he went as God instructed.  The Bible records that Abraham had no idea where he was going to. The future was not clearly outlined for him.  The t’s were not crossed and the i’s were not dotted.  The only thing Abraham knew was the character of the One who sent him.  Abraham knew that God was good and God was faithful and that this same God who called him out from his people, would be with him every step of the way in this new adventure.

Someone asked me recently, how can I be sure that it is God speaking?  John 10:27 says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”  Pursuing an intimate relationship with God: reading his word, waiting in his presence and seeking godly counsel are some specific ways we can know the master’s voice.  Abraham’s faith and trust were based on his relationship with God.  Abraham knew he could trust God to lead him and show him the way.  He did not need the complete plan in advance.  Abraham may have wrestled with basic human emotions such as doubt and fear; but faith in God, won the day.  Abraham trusted in God’s character and so he took his family and his belongings, and he moved to the new land just as God had instructed him.  Ultimately, God rewarded Abraham for his obedience.

God reserves this same blessing for those who trust in him today.  God reserves this blessing for you too, dear friend.  Perhaps you have been wrestling with embracing change in your life but have been afraid to leave your old life behind because no one “does that!”  Perhaps, God has been saying to you, “Go…from your routine, comfortable and predictable life to new horizons I will show you so that you might be a source of greater blessing to others” and you’ve been responding, “Not yet, I’ve got to figure this out.”  John H. Sammis (1887) seems to suggest that happiness in Jesus is achieved when we simply: "Trust and obey, for there’s no other way; To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."

Scripture says, “The just shall live by faith (Romans 1;17); It is time for believers to “Go!’’ Is God speaking to you today?  Do you hear his voice?  Do you trust him?  Then, all you have to do is obey him.  The experience will probably be challenging, for the testing of your faith, but the journey will draw you closer to him, and as he was with Abraham so he will be with all who trust in him.  Just go!

 Almighty God, forgive us for times we have worried needlessly about a future we cannot control, instead of seeking your direction.  Grant us courage to trust and obey you even when we do not understand. In Jesus' name, Amen.