Esther's Hope Ministries

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Beware the Hiss!

Flee from evil and do good, and dwell forever.

Psalm 37:27

Flight should be the believer’s stance towards evil.  The psalmist advises, flee from evil and do good (Psalm 37:27a) that we might live forever.  But Eve had no idea that danger was lurking around the corner, as she strolled through the beautiful garden of Eden that morning, minding her earthly business.  The “hiss” caught her off guard.  One minute she was probably picking fruit and admiring the flowers and the next, she hears the hiss, “Did God really say… (Genesis 3:1)?”  If Eve, had turned and fled at this point, there would be no story, and quite likely no fall, but she made a drastic mistake, she engaged the crafty serpent in conversation and that was her downfall. His venom was more than she could handle and before long, she was ensnared and had taken Adam, her husband, with her too.

Dear friend, as you go about your earthly business, Satan roams to and fro seeking whom he may devour (Job 1:7).  The hiss is constant and it comes from many unlikely places.  Sometimes it’s popular opinion or the persuasions of a friend.  Like a dripping tap, the assault is persistent.  Did God really say that we must worship him with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our soul?  Did God really say that we must love our neighbor and pray for our enemy?  Did God really say that we must forgive seventy times seven times?  Did God really say that we must walk in purity and holiness?  Did God really say….?”

Jesus shows you how to respond to the constant hiss of the enemy.  When the enemy comes out to tempt him in the wilderness (Luke 4: 1-13), Jesus, the Son of God, responds with God’s word, “It is written….”  The serpent tempts him three times and Jesus sticks to the same game plan three times.  The word, the word, the word.  Not popular belief; not opinion.  Just the written word of God.  It works every time.  Unable to withstand God’s truth, the Bible says, “Satan left him temporarily, lying in wait for another opportunity (Luke 4:13).”

The psalmist declares, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path (Psalm 119:107). And the writer of the first letter of Peter (1 Peter 5:8) says, “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  As you go about your day today and in the days ahead, let the word of God be your shield.  Every day, Satan’s one agenda is to destroy you, but God is out to protect and preserve you.  Do your part and God will do his part.  Flee from evil, do good that you might dwell forever.  Many believers are being led astray through vain reasoning (Romans 1:21).  But you, be wise, do not engage; do not argue; Satan is a crafty manipulator and knows your weak buttons.  Respond to the hiss with the truth of God’s word and he will flee from you, every time.

Father, your word (Matthew 24:24) reminds me that if you did not shorten the days, even the very elect would be deceived.  Give me heavenly wisdom, that I might hold on to your word to the very end, and give me your love, so that I might share your truth with those you will send my way.  In your Holy name, I pray. Amen.