Esther's Hope Ministries

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As the World Trembles

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

Isaiah 26:3

In 1834 Edward Mote wrote these words, “On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand all other ground is sinking sand.”  182 years later I find myself responding with a resounding, “Amen!”  These words are as true today, as they were back then.  The foundations of our world are changing at an ever increasing pace, and these changes are only going to speed up.  The foundations are trembling in every sphere, politically, socially, financially and spiritually.  When the earth beneath our feet begins to tremble, what should the righteous do?

Perhaps you are even now, at this moment, wondering how you will make your current situation work?  The people you relied upon have let you down; the beliefs you once held are being challenged; the things that gave you pleasure before have lost their attraction and the hopes, dreams and plans that seemed so certain and achievable just a little while ago, have frayed at the edges and are beginning to unravel right before your eyes.  When your world begins to shake, what should you do?

First recognize that God is the immovable fortress on which you stand.  It is he that does the keeping.  You can do nothing to protect yourself apart from him.  He is the jealous and valiant protector whose eyes are always on the righteous.  He is the God of whom the Psalmist says, ‘He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber (121:3).  There’s a certainty and definite quality to what God will do when your world trembles, God will keep you in perfect peace.  That’s his promise to you today.

Secondly reach out for God’s hand.  When my son was learning how to roller-skate he kept falling to the ground because he could not maintain his balance on the slippery floor.  I noticed though, that every time the teacher took his hand, my son was able to remain upright.  His teacher’s firm hand helped him adjust his balance as he leaned on his teacher to steady himself.  Reaching for God’s hand means walking constantly in obedience; it means abiding in the Word and leaning on him to regain balance when the trembling sets in.  Obedience attracts God’s protection.  Put your hand in his hand and let him guide you over the shaky waters.

Lastly, rest in him.  God will keep you in perfect peace when you trust in him.  He will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is steadfast; when you have determined in advance that you have no other option, but him.  As the foundations of this earthly life tremble and as our earth begins to quake, trust in Him and in his Holy Word.  He is the Prince of Peace.  He is your peace.  He alone causes your anchor to hold in spite of the storm that may be raging within you or around you. 

As the world trembles, what should the righteous do?  Recognize, reach and rest.  It will get worse, before it gets better but because of his great love, he has given those who trust in him a heads up.  Heaven and earth (everything) will pass away, only his words will remain (Matthew 24:35).  Edward Mote was right.  “On Christ, the solid Rock, we stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”

Gracious Father, you have called me to walk by faith and not by sight.  Help me to let go of the crutches of this physical life, so that I can be free to take your hand.  Lead me and guide me through my current circumstances.  I surrender every anxiety to you knowing that you love me and care for me, and no matter what comes my way, I will trust in you.  Amen.