Esther's Hope Ministries

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Sin's Allure

Help, Lord, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race. Everyone lies to their neighbor; they flatter with their lips but harbor deception in their hearts.

Psalm 12: 1-2

Have you ever observed the way a fly gets trapped in a spider’s web?  Often the fly lands gently and smoothly on the silky surface of the web.  The problem begins when the fly tries to take off.   Only then does it realize that its legs are stuck.  As the fly struggles to free itself the more entangled it gets.  There’s no Hollywood ending here, eventually the fly becomes the spider’s meal. 

The seduction of sin is like a spider’s web.  It seems harmless at first; it may even appear attractive until we land in it and then it begins to wrap its sticky, suffocating, and life draining tentacles around us until we are completely devoid of the life-giving breath of the Spirit of God.  We become a people who have a form of godliness, but deny its power over our lives (2 Timothy 3:5).  Like the fly, we become victims; victims to Satan’s deceitfulness.  No one is immune.  Jesus is the only one who was fully human yet sinless.

The psalmist cries out to God concerning an environment that is toxic and devoid of God’s Spirit.  It teems with religious behavior, flattery and deception.  It is an environment where people have just enough religion to “pass” but each one harbors idols in their hearts.  True faithfulness is no more and it appears that those who are loyal to God have vanished from the human race.

The psalmist might as well have been crying out about our world.  There are strong similarities here about the human race.  It is easy to be discouraged and to wonder whether there is anyone faithful left.  Perhaps you have found yourself crying out like him lately.  You’ve cried out as you’ve looked at your family, your office, your church, your neighborhood and your world.  Maybe like the prophet Isaiah you’ve proclaimed your woes over an environment that calls evil good and good evil, an environment that puts darkness for light and light for darkness, or has exchanged bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter (para. Isaiah 5:20).  Maybe you've been distressed over an environment that appears to have fallen captive to Satan's deception.

God’s word is a source of comfort to the psalmist in his time of turmoil, “the Lord himself promises protection declaring he will keep the needy safe (Ps.12:5-7).” The psalmist reminds the needy to groan to God in their distress.  God always answers the prayer of the oppressed.  Whatever the case may be for you today, be encouraged in the Lord, his arm is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear (Isaiah 59:1).

So today, groan before God in your distress before God.  He will answer you and keep you safe.  Take comfort in the fact that no matter how cunning he becomes, Satan will eventually be defeated; Only God will endure victoriously and forever over every principality and power that tries to ensnare the children of God.  And may God’s word comfort you today.

Heavenly Father, intervene where wickedness abounds, expose the works of the enemy in the lives of your people.  Begin with me, and grant me peace so that I may live to serve you without distraction.  Protect me from the cunningness of the enemy and let your word be a lamp unto my feet.  You have overcome Satan.  You have overcome the world. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.