Esther's Hope Ministries

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Kenya Mission 2020: Where it All Began-Kolanya Rising

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…

Zechariah 4:10a

In 2016, we at Esther’s Hope took tiny, tentative steps of faith to impact the lives of young women through Christian discipleship and life-transforming education.  We believed that by changing one girl’s life, we could change outcomes for a family, for a community, and even for the world.  Our efforts seemed pitiful, (they still do) and there were times we doubted that we could make a difference; and then there were those times, when others doubted that our efforts would amount to anything.  But God!

Have you ever wondered what the little boy was thinking as he handed his five small barley loaves and two small fish to Jesus (John 6: 1-13)?  Perhaps he thought, “This is too little to feed such a huge crowd, but it’s all I have,” or he may have thought, “If anyone can multiply this food, Jesus can.”  I guess we’ll never know what the young man was thinking that day.  What we do know are the critical thoughts of the adults around him, “…, but how far will they go among so many?”  That crowd was huge, five thousand strong, and the little boy’s offering painfully small.  But God!  This was the perfect setting for a miracle.

We are seeing plenty of miracles at Esther’s Hope, especially at Kolanya Girls’ High School, in Busia district, where this dream began with ten timid young women who were painfully uncertain about their futures.  How different things seem in 2020.  On this visit, we marveled at the confident and extremely grateful young students we interacted with, and then marveled some more as we perused their school records. This year’s graduating class from Kolanya, 31 strong, all posted A’s and B’s in their final exams of 2019; meaning they have been working extremely hard and are all destined for admission into a university.  Our fresh, incoming class of 20 students had similar grades.  Rahab and I had a tough time deciding who we should turn down.  This is what hope in Christ can do in the classroom (Isaiah 40: 31)!  The girls have embraced this hope that only God can give and are working really hard to realize their God-given dreams.  There is no stopping them now.

As we were celebrating the impact that Esther’s Hope is having on these young girls, the school coordinator, Mr. Dismas Kiboi, revealed that the top candidate in the county last year, and fifth overall in the country (gasp!), was an Esther’s Hope Scholarship recipient, Micell Cheruto.  She has now been awarded a 100% university education sponsorship by Equity Bank-Kenya, a paid internship and job assurance after graduation.  Even more important, Micell is an ambassador of Jesus Christ, and she’s about to enter the workforce with Christian grit, grace and gratitude…only God!

So, whatever you are in the process of building right now, do not neglect or scoff at humble beginnings, and do not let the dream stealers get in your way.  Look to him and trust him (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Involve God in everything you do, and allow his provision of grace, fortitude, favor, wisdom and power to multiply and grow the little offerings in your hands.  Only he can! 

We thank you most sincerely for your support of our mission to give girls a chance at a life-changing and life-transforming education. 

To learn more about the mission, to donate or to volunteer at our next event, visit: